Representatives of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption attended the Regional Conference “South-Eastern Europe Together Against Corruption: Developing Regional Resilience” organized in Sarajevo by the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) to mark the implementation of the 3-year Regional Program “South-Eastern Europe – Together Against Corruption” (SEE-TAC).

This conference served as an important occasion to mark the achievements and collective efforts in the prevention and fight against corruption in Southeast Europe. The conference provided a platform for reflection on achievements, sharing of valuable experiences and strategy for future anti-corruption activities. Experts from the region and Europe took this opportunity to present their findings and provide detailed recommendations for next steps.

The director of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, Yll Buleshkaj was part of the discussion panel with the topic Optimizing governance: Sectoral approach for the assessment of the risk of corruption and the anti-corruption assessment of the legislation. He emphasized the interlink of integrity plans with the sectoral assessment of the risk of corruption as well as the importance to identifiy impact indicators in the design of national anti-corruption strategies. He also highly appreciated RAI’s contribution to preventing and fighting corruption.

The conference has gathered around 60 participants, including the heads of diplomatic missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, representatived from Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, Romania, government officials from the Southeast Europe and Ukraine, representatives of civil society, representatives of the private sector and the media, and other project stakeholders.